Shout outs!
Well done to Fatlum, Victor, Miriam, Blake, Ediz, Harun, Isaiah and Sharon for completing their Big Maths this week.
Well done to Fayth, Hashed and Damien who have completed their
Big Maths this week!
Well done to Che, Freya, Victor, Miriam, Ediz, Holly and Ryan who all completed their Big Maths on Friday!
Congratulations to Skye and Michael who have completed their
Big Maths this week!
Well done to Hashed and Damien who have completed their Big Maths today!
Well done to Sharon and Ediz who did their Big Maths today!
Well done to Miriam who did her Big Maths today!
Well done to Micheal who did his Big Maths today!
Congratulations to Damien who did his Big Maths on Bank Holiday Monday! Well done !
22.05.20 update
Well done to Temi and Brooklyn who completed their Big Maths this week!
Well done to Che, Ediz,Freya and Sharon who have completed their Big Maths today. If you haven't managed to do your Big Maths, you still have time!
Congratulations to Hashed who completed his Big Maths today!
Well done to Ryan for completing his Big Maths today!
Well done to Micheal, Skye, Miriam, and Damien who have already
completed their Big Maths today !
A special 'shout out' to Ryan who won Mathematician of the Week
for Big Maths! Well done Ryan!
Congratulations to Victor, Freya, Che, Ediz and Sharon for completing their Big Maths today
If you haven’t completed yours there is still time!
Well done to Raihan for completing her Big Maths today !
Well done to Harun and Micheal who have done their Big Maths today
Well done to Temi, Damien, Arthur, Miriam and Ryan for already completing their Big Maths this week !
Well done to Sharon, Hashed, Raihan, Skye, Ediz, Freya, Blake and Holly who have completed their Big Maths this week
Well done to Che, Harun and Chelsea for doing your Big Maths today!
Well done to Michael, Ryan, Miriam and Damien who have already completed their Big Maths this week!
Well done to Temi, Hashed, Ediz, Harun, Freya and Holly who completed their Big Maths today!
Shared Work
Have a look at our shared work area where you'll see activities completed by Freya, Ruby and Hashed. Well done!
30.04.20 -
Well done to Ryan, Skye, Michael, Miriam and Damien for completing their Big Maths today!
First News - IHUB
Congratulations to those of you who have completed more than 20 comprehensions on IHUB. Currently in the lead with the most points is Brooklyn with 28 completed and 11, 545 points.
Second is Victor (well done I've marked your recent one) with 26 completed and 9,775 points. Third is Skye who has completed 28 and has earned 8,375 points.
Please keep doing these comprehensions, the texts are not too long and the subject matter is always interesting and current!
Purple Mash
Well done to Hashed and Harun who have already completed most of the RE activities on Purple Mash!