Baobab - Year 6
Teacher: Mrs Williams
Additional Support: Mrs Algar, Ms Dolphy
Secondary School Transition Powerpoint
This term's curriculum letter
Spring curriculm letter
Spellings for this half term
Final Swanage Reminders….
- Be at school at 8.30am on Monday 2nd October.
- You don’t need to wear school uniform.
- You will need a packed lunch!
- You may bring up to £10 spending money. Bring in a named wallet and give in on Monday.
- Please bring ALL medication you may need on Monday. Your parent/carer will need to complete a form to let us know when you will need it.
- Apart from a camera you must bring nothing electronic.
- We aim to be back at 2.30pm on Friday 6th October. Children MUST be collected by an adult.
- All forms MUST be completed before you leave.
- All money needs to be paid at the office BEFORE children leave.
Welcome to Year 6!
We hope that you had a restful break.
I have attached the curriculum letter so that you can all see what we will be learning about for the first half of the Autumn term.
Year 6 took part in Joe Wick's school fitness week every day this week.
The children (and teaching staff) really enjoyed ourselves and have benefitted from the great feeling of such strong and enjoyable exercises so early in the morning.
We will be doing this on Monday and Thursday mornings to complement our PE lessons and this fits in with our Wellbeing topic.