Sequoia - Year 5
Teacher: Mrs Williams
Support Staff: Miss Campbell Mrs McCartney
Spring Term - Curriculum letter.
Have a look at our curriculum letter for the Spring Term. It will inform you about what your children
will be learning this term in all subjects. There are also dates for our class assemblies.
Welcome back to the Spring Term! Sequoia Class have settled in well so far. I wanted to take this opportunity to look back at some of the things they achieved in the latter part of last term. One great success was our Seasonal play which revealed some real stars! Years 4 and 5 put on 2
performances, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Below are some photographs from the play. There are also some examples of the children's work in Examples of Learning. Please check it out!
18.11.16 Website- Times table are very important in Maths. Therefore, I have included a link in the
homework folder (yellow star) for your child to practise. There are a variety of fun games on this
Welcome back to the year!
Sequoia class have made a positive start to the new year! I am already impressed with their
behaviour and their willingness to learn. Thank you to the parents I have already met and I
look forward to working with you this year to ensure the success of your child at Elfrida.
Sequoia Class Assembly 10.11.16
Sequoia had their class assembly on Thursday. They did really well despite only having 2 days to practise. Thank you to the parents who were able to attend. I hope you enjoyed their mneumonics, the facts about the Solar System, the retelling of the information text on the Roman Army and their
song, 'Just Like a Roman,' at the end.
Information Text (Part 1)
The children in Sequoia class learnt how to identify the features of information books. They were given a selection of books and they had to find the similarities (and differences) between them. Each group worked cooperatively and collaboratively together. Most information books had similar features, for e.g. Contents page, photographs or diagrams with captions, sub-headings, text boxes,
a glossary and index.
Information Texts - Part 2
Sequoia class enjoyed this sorting activity. Each group had at least 2 to 3 different cut up information texts that they had to sort. They needed to find the title, introduction, paragraphs photographs, captions, sub-heading and text boxes for the each text and put it together. Some
children were even able to identify whether the text was written in the past or present tense.
Information Text Part 3
In Literacy last week the children were given an information text about The Roman Army. In order
to learn its structure they read and retold the text with actions. This would enable them to become familiar with the features and structure of this type of text. This was an extremely enjoyable lesson. The children enthusiastically came up with some of their own actions. Challenge your child to retell most of the text with actions or ask them to show you the actions for:- Roman Army, conquered, military town, or the sentence, ' Only men were allowed in the Roman Army - no women!' Alternatively, ask your child to explain the actions in the following pictures.
Year 5 Curriculum Leaflet Autumn Term
Sequoia Class have been working really hard on our classroom displays. We have now completed
our Roman display - a special thank you for those children who made Roman artefacts during their summer break (Glad, Louis and Keira). Demi produced a PowerPoint on the Romans which I printed and placed on our wall.
Our Science wall has also been completed with questions the children would like answered and facts about the different planets.
The children have also been thinking about their attitude to learning for example whether they have a fixed or growth mindset (this will be a whole school focus from now on). They have produced posters on what it is to have a fixed mindset and the effect on learning and how a growth mindset can promote a positive attitude. Ask your children more about this.