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Elfrida Primary School - King Alfred Federation home page Elfrida Primary School - King Alfred Federation home page

Elfrida Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Saplings - Nursery

Teachers: Mez Waring and Sarah Baker, Jasmin, Julie and Sevda

We had such fun at the Quick and Easy Breakfast session today! The children made banana lollipops and had rice cakes with fruit! Thank you to all the parents who came!



Quick and Easy Breakfasts

Come and join us for quick and easy ideas to help you and your whole family have a healthy breakfast.



9.00am - 10.00am and 12.45pm - 1.45pm







This is open to all Nursery parents and children.

Please come along to one of the session in the Community Centre.


Easter Bonnet Parade


On Friday 5th April the children in Nursery , Reception and Year 1 will be having an Easter Bonnet parade.


Please encourage your child to have a go at making their own Easter bonnet at home. It can be as exciting and as elaborate as you like.


Please bring your Easter bonnet to school on Friday 5th April. We will be parading around the playgroud (weather permitting) at 1.45pm. Parents are invited to come and join us inthe infant playground.


There will be prizes for the best efforts. We look forward to seeing lots of lovely entries!!


Primary School Apllication Information - please read the letter below which will give you information on how to apply for a Primary School place if your child is due to start Reception in September 2019.

Our first newsletter- here is a copy of the newsletter sent out on Friday 21st September.

week 3- This week we have had great fun looking at the weather by making kites to fly on the rather windy days we have had this week and collecting rain in pots when we had a storm. We have been looking at shapes in the maths area and we are working on recognising our names every morning so please don't do our names for us! we have enjoyed singing counting songs this week and learning even more nursery rhymes.

Week 2 10/9/18. This week we have welcomed more children to our nursery and started to get into a routine. We drew pictures of our faces and will next week use a range of different materials to add more detail. We learnt some new counting songs and Nursery Rhymes and enjoyed a story at the end of each session. Well done everyone for such a lovely week and adjusting into Nursery life so well.

Here are some of the exciting things we have been up to already on our first week back welcoming old and new members of the Nursery.



Welcome back to the new term at Saplings Nursery!

The Nursery team would like to say hello to all of our new families joining us this term and we would like to welcome back those families who are staying with us for another year. We hope that you have had a restful summer break and your children are ready to get back to Nursery and experience lots of new and exciting learning opportunities.


Our session times are as follows:

Morning session 8.45am - 11.45am (gates will open at 11.20am)

Afternoon session 12.30pm - 3.30pm

You are welcome to collect you child at 2.30pm on a Friday, along with the main school.


Nursery staff are available at all times, so please do speak to one of us if you have any concerns or wish to relay any information regarding your child.


Mez teaches on a MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. Sarah teaches on a THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. Julie, Jasmin and Sevda are in the Nursery all week.


Please see below for our Autumn Term curriculum letter to parents.










Autumn Term Curriculum Letter