Elfrida Summer Fair
On Friday 14th July, we held our annual Summer Fair in the playgrounds.
The sun shone for us (despite some early morning drizzle) and the event was a huge success. The bar-be-cue was amazing, thanks to the efforts of our wonderful kitchen staff, and the smell of beautifully cooked chicken and burgers brought in the crowds. There was a dance show, organised by Brydie Gregory and Georgina Nash from Sedgehill, which certainly drew a huge audience.
The lucky dip sold out, the money tree was almost bare and there were no bottles left on the bottle tombola! The fire engine made an appearance and managed to stay for quite a while before being called away too.
A huge thank you has to go to Clare, Michelle and Iyare for their tireless efforts in organising this amazing event. In total we raised over £1000 for the school. If you would like to help the PTFA with further events please leave your name and number in the office and someone will contact you in September.