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Elfrida Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Summer Fair

On July 15th we held our annual summer fair.  A great time was had by all who came.  Not only did we have a bouncy castle, but we also had a bouncy assault course, both of which were very popular!  We had farm animals from Surrey Docks farm, two DJs, a barbecue, face painting, tombolas, games, lucky dips as well as many more exciting things for both adults and children.  Thank you to everyone who came and supported the school.  Well done to Francis in Year 2, who won the I-pad in the raffle!  The number of balloons in the car was a staggering 154 and the winner will be contacted shortly.

A huge thank you to Iyare, Clare and Michelle who organised the whole event.  We are desperate for more parents to support the PTA as this was a huge job for so few people.  Please contact the school office if you would like to join our very dedicated PTA team.