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Elfrida Primary School - King Alfred Federation home page Elfrida Primary School - King Alfred Federation home page

Elfrida Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Recommended Online Learning Programmes and Resources

Microsoft Teams 365

We are now using Microsoft Teams for online learning. I have emailed all parents login details for this online learning platforms. I will be adding work with a deadline each week.  Please encourage your child to complete their work Weekly. Below is the link to access Microsoft Teams.

BBC Bitesize

BBC Bitesize have a range of home learning activities to support your children at home. They will also be holding live lessons for 3 hours per day staring from 11th January 2021. 
Lessons will start from 9am on the BBC Iplayer. A celebrity supply teacher will be onscreen everyday from 10am. Please follow the link below to access this resource.

Please follow the links below to access the resources available.  

Lewisham Zoom Choir 

If your child loves to sing why not let them join this free zoom choir?

Zoom choirs will start on: 

Tuesday 11th January for years 2-4 (4:30pm) and Friday 14th January for years 5-8 (4:30pm)

Register here:

Oak National Academy

Online Classroom

Nearly 10,000 free video lessons, resources and activities, covering most subjects, from Reception to Year 11.

This online platform covers most subjects including Maths, Literacy, Computing, History and Geography. Please use this link below to access this resource. 


Oxford Owl

Oxford Owl is an award-winning free website with 130 FREE computer/tablet-friendly eBooks to help your child practise reading at home. The eBooks are different reading levels so please make sure you know what reading level your child is currently reading at (this information will be provided by your child’s teacher).

Please follow the link below to access Oxford Owl Reading.

Username: silverbirch21

Password: read

EPIC Books for Children:

Please follow the link below for access to lots of great books to read. 

Below are instructions on how to login using our class code yxz6078 (this is also displayed below).

I have also attached a monthly activity calendar for January. Everything you need to complete the activity will be found on the pic website. It would be nice to receive photos of completed activities so that I can upload them onto our class page. Send photos to

EPIC Activity Calendar for January:

Login Details:


If you use Lexia in school, you will be able to access Lexia with your username and password at home. Please follow the link below to access Lexia.



Times tables

Please practice your times tables daily. See the links below to access online websites for daily practice

TT RockstarsPlease use the link below to access TTRockstars.


Maths Frame Times Table Practise.

No login details required - Please use the link below to practice times tables.


Big Maths

Please complete your Big Maths challenges every week. I will be checking to see who completes their challenges and promoting each child when they qualify for promotion.

Big MathsSchool Pin: 0407




PE with Joe Wicks

PE with Joe is returning live every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9am. Please follow the link below for Joe's Youtube page.


Go Noodle

Please complete daily Go Noodle workouts from the link below. 

Go Noodle is a free service that does not require a login.


Cosmic Yoga

Use the link below to access many different yoga sessions via Cosmic Yoga.



I have set a number of different tasks on Duolingo for you to complete.

You should already have your Duolingo login details, if you do not have these please email.

I receive weekly updates from Duolingo about work that has been completed and I will be  regularly checking the completed tasks.

Paignton Zoo Education Activities:

Please see below the downloadable Wild at Home educational resources to inspire and educate your children at home.