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Elfrida Primary School - King Alfred Federation home page Elfrida Primary School - King Alfred Federation home page

Elfrida Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Cypress - Year 4

Welcome to Cypress class with Mrs Holland 


Support staff - Mrs Cripps and Ms Horsewell


We now have a class email address. Please email any queries, concerns and completed work to the following email address:

I look forward to seeing your completed work! 

Please click the pencil for your home learning during the school closure.


Welcome to the Spring Term and Happy new year! Below is the homework, further down the page is the homework in a word document as well as the spellings for Spring 1. Please let me know if you have any questions.

School begins at 8:45am and finishes at 3:25pm Monday - Thursday and 2:30pm on Friday. 

Please book your Academic review day appointment online. If you have any queries about this please come and see Mrs Holland.

Please continue to support your child at home with times tables. 

Cooking at Youth First- Cypress class visited Youth First and made some tasty Chicken wraps!

World of work week

Cypress class have been looking at Engineering for World of work week. 

We have been studying the different types of engineering and different jobs that involve engineering. We studied these types of engineering closely and how these are used in a theme park. We created our own roller coasters in class using recyclable materials. 

We also visited the Emirates Aviation centre and examined how engineering is used when building an aeroplane. Take a look at our pictures of our visit above. 

Please look at the World of work week parent pack that has been sent home and complete the activities with your children.

PSHE In Cypress - Cypress class have been learning about healthy eating and special diets during PSHE. We even tried different fruit and produced a healthy menu!

Our book this half term is:

Our topic this term is All creatures great and small

This topic will allow the children to explore different types of mini beasts and creatures great and small! We will be using this book in both Literacy and Destination Reader.




Learn It's

It's nothing new


CLIC/SAFE/Learn It's will be completed every Friday. These challenges are marked by the children. Please support their learning by looking through the answers with your child (answers will be sent home on a Friday) as well as helping your child learn their times tables (please see the clips below).



Homework in Year 4 has changed to project based activities. The children have six activities they need to complete over this half term. Final date for this homework is 10th Feb 2020 . Please encourage your child to bring their homework before this date if completed.


There will be a spelling test every Friday


Children have already received all spellings and homework for this half term, please see Mrs Holland with any queries.  


Please see below for the spellings and homework for this half term.


Home Reading 

Please read with your child everyday for at least 30 minutes. Your child may take two books home from the book corner in Cypress class provided the books are signed in and out when returned.


WE heart READING!!!



Physical Education

Cypress class will have PE on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please ensure your child brings their PE kit on Monday and it is left in school until Friday.

Multiplication Tables Check

To help prepare your children for the Times Table testing, please encourage your child to use the link below. This website is similar to the website that will be used for the testing and this will help your child become familiar with the timings. 


Please follow the direct link below. 


Any questions or concerns please see Mrs Holland. 

Half term homework Due 10th Feb 2020

Half term spellings


Important dates:

22/1/2020-24/1/2020 - School Journey to Hindleap

27th January - World of Work Week

31st January - Trip to Emirates Aviation Centre 



Please support your child with their times tables:

3 Times Tables - Have Fun Learning!

4 Times Tables Song

6 Times Table Song (Learning is Fun The Todd & Ziggy Way!)

Six Times Table Song

My Activity Passport - Here are some suggestions to complete with your child. We would love to see them in school when completed! How many activities can you complete? Please see Mrs Holland if you would like a copy of the My Activity Passport.