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Elfrida Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Acacia - Reception

Acacia Home Learning Gallery. WOW look at all this fantastic work you have been doing at home. Well done to every one who has sent me in work and pictures. Please keep sending them in.

Remember to send all photos of your child and their work/activities to 

Remember to login to Mini Mash, Lexia and Big Maths with your usernames and passwords.


Week 7 13.07.2020 – School’s Out! (almost)


Well done to you all for being amazing and resilient during these strange time. It was great seeing some of you when you came to collect your reports on Monday. I’ve missed you all so much and it would have been wonderful to be able to play and complete these activities in school.


However, we have all got through this and now you deserve a break. So, this final week is full of ideas of places you could go and activities you could try at home.



Things to do in the summer holidays.

  • Make cupcakes
  • Make slime
  • Den building
  • Face painting
  • Make perfume
  • Go to Poundland and pick up decorating/painting equipment
  • Make play dough
  • Have a water party
  • Go to local park
  • Play hide and seek
  • Board games
  • Movie day with popcorn
  • Have play dates- invite friends over, get parents numbers!
  • Make jewellery- string, pasta, beads, paper, sequences
  • Go swimming
  • Visit Beckenham Place Park and go into the woods
  • Paddling Pool in the garden
  • Junk Modelling
  • Start a scrap book
  • Messy play - shaving foam
  • Hula hoops on string, children limbo and try and eat them.
  • Click here for the Summer Reading Challenge


These are just some ideas! Please remember to stay safe and follow the guidance for social distancing and washing your hands.

I hope you have a good summer.

Miss Griffiths and Miss Loomes  xxx

It is the final term of Reception if we had been at school we would have gone to the seaside this term.


So we are going to going to look at ‘Splash! Anna Hibiscus’ and is written by Atinuke and illustrated by Lauren Tobia.

The whole family is at the beach and Anna is desperate ‘to splash in the laughing waves’. She wants to share this experience but everyone is busy doing something else.  In the end, Anna takes matters into her own hands and soon the whole family is rushing to join her having fun in the sea.

Splash, Anna Hibiscus!

Anna Hibiscus lives in Africa. Amazing Africa - and today she is going to the beach with her family. The laughing waves are splashing! Who will splash with Anna.

Talk Time: How does Anna feel at the beginning of the story. Can you remember a time when you went to the beach? If you haven’t been to the beach imagine what it might be like? What did you hear? What did you see? What do you like doing? What do you take with you? What does it feel like walking on the sand? Think about the sand tray if you haven’t been to the beach. What does it feel like splashing in the sea? Think about playing in the water tray.  What’s fun about playing in the waves?

Writing & Phonics: Can you make a list of things you would take to the beach. Can you write a postcard to someone in your family about your time at the beach. Can you write 3 words to rhyme with shell or fish.


Look at a picture from the story and write a sensory poem using your 5 senses : touch, taste, smell, hear, see.  E.g. The sand feels rough. The sea sounds loud. The air tastes salty.  I can see white seagulls.  I can smell fish and chips. 

Can you write a sentence using an adjective a describing word? E.g. The deep blue sea. The smooth round shell.

Imagination Time: 


Play the sound of the sea washing up on the beach.

Listen carefully perhaps with your eyes closed. Draw all the things you can hear.

Create a beach in your house. Get out your towel, put on your swimming costume and sunglasses, have something good to read or listen to and lie back and pretend you are at the beach.

Time to make things:

  To make the set of egg carton ice cream cones you will need:

  • 6 Central cones from a large egg box
  • 1 small egg box for the tray
  • Cotton wool balls in a variety of ice cream colours
  • Small pom poms (optional)
  • Glue

The egg carton cones make perfect ice cream cones, so all you need to do is pick your ice cream colours and glue the pom poms or cotton wool onto the inside of the cone to create scoops of ice cream.

You can then add more detail by adding smaller pom poms on top to act as cherries or sprinkles.

Mini Beach

Create a miniature beach scene on a paper plate with clay, sand, and a jelly ocean! Add other elements that you love about the beach like beach umbrellas, fishes, sea creatures and sand castles.

Mini Beach

You will need

  • Large paper plate
  • Homemade salt dough
  • Cocktail umbrella
  • Colored paper
  • Blue and yellow poster paint
  • Paint brush
  • Crayons
  • Glue
  • Scissors


Draw a line to mark the shoreline.

Paint the ocean portion of the paper plate blue.

Build the base for your beach with homemade salt dough and paint it yellow.

Salt Dough Recipe

Create lots of fun details for your beach. Below are some examples but you can always come up with more creative ideas.

  1. Beach towel - cut a rectangular piece of coloured paper and draw some stripes on it. Cut fringes on the edges if you like.
  2. Beach umbrella - use a cocktail umbrella.
  3. Create leaves from a small rectangular piece of green paper. Cut evenly-spaced slits along its long side.
  4. Roll the green paper. Insert the uncut side into the top of the tree trunk.
  5. Carefully open up the fringes.
  6. Palm or coconut tree - create a palm tree out of paper.
  7. Make a tree trunk by rolling a small rectangular piece of brown construction paper. Tape or glue the edge in place.


Form salt dough into little details like a beach ball, a starfish, a sand bucket, a pair of flip-flops and even some beach-goers.


Let’s get moving: Try this yoga adventure about Squish the Fish. 

Squish the Fish | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!

We join Jaime for a Cosmic Kids yoga adventure all about learning to have your own adventures.

Challenge Time.

Try these challenges at home with your adults and send me an email to let me know what happened.


Will it dissolve?

This looks at whether a given substance will dissolve in water. You’ll need several small, transparent/ clear water containers (e.g. plastic or glass cups) and a range of substances to test (e.g. sugar, oil, salt, food colouring, rice, flour, cereal, pasta). Before dropping each substance into a cup ask your child to guess whether it will dissolve or not. Then drop it in and see what happens. Record which substances dissolve and which ones don’t.



Magic dancing milk

For this activity introduction to chemical changes – you’ll need a shallow dish, full-fat/ whole milk, food colouring, cotton buds and washing up liquid. Pour some milk into the dish, add some drops of food colouring, then dab with a cotton bud dipped in washing up liquid. Use a few different colours at the same time for maximum impact, and try dabbing in different places.


Ice Lollies Recipes

This week we are sticking with animals by the sea but looking at animals that live under the sea. 

We are going to start with a song A Hole in the Bottom of the Sea | Barefoot Books Singalong

A Hole in the Bottom of the Sea | Barefoot Books Singalong.

Talk Time:

  • Talk about the song: what animals did you see in the hole at the bottom of the sea?
  • What are their names?
  • Can you describe them? Are they big or small?


Writing & Phonics:

  • Can you draw the animals in the song and write their names next to them?
  • Draw a picture of your favourite animal.  Can you write a sentence to go with it e.g. The eel is long and green.  
  • Think of 3 words to rhyme with shark.
  • Play What’s in the Box

Gather together toy animals or pictures of animals and put them in a box, bag or a bowl.

Take out an animal but keep it hidden. You say the initial sound? The other person has to guess the animal. Swap over.

Imagination Time

Pretend you are deep sea diver. What will you need to take with you to look at the animals in the hole at the bottom of the sea? Mask, wet suit, flippers and camera! Make sure you keep a look out for all the animals and don’t fall into the hole.


Time to make things

Not everyone has a camera so here is a video of how to make your very own camera using things you might have at home a cardboard box, plastic lids and ribbons.

DIY Toy Camera

Make your own camera from household recyclable materials to take some picture of the animals in the hole at the bottom of the sea.

Let’s get moving like the animals in the hole at the bottom of the sea.


Shark – pretend to swim quickly through the sea.

Eel – slither along floor.

Octopus – move your arms around in circles as move around on tiptoes.

Crab- crouch down and move from side to side.

Snail – move very slowly along the ground.




Move Like Sea Animals

Have a look at this video and see if you can move like these under the sea animals. Can you make up your own animal moves?

Commotion In The Ocean by Giles Andreae

Finally listen to another story about animals under the sea. Here is Commotion in the Ocean by Giles Andreae. Are there any animals in the story that we have seen before?

Please see below the home learning for the next two weeks. It is based on 'Under the Sea' this time. All the links are in the document also as your adults at home will need it to click on the links to take you to the fun activities! If you would like to show Acacia class what you are doing get your adult at home to take a picture and email it to me, at 


I look forward to seeing all your work and putting in our gallery of home learning work. 

Remember to send all photos of your child and their work/activities to 

Summer Term - 2nd Half 

I cannot believe we are in our last term of Reception! I hope you had a lovely half term and we are missing you all so much.

For the first three weeks of this term we will be learning about  ANIMALS this is

a chance to learn what animals live in and around the sea, new animal names and also recap old learning about animals that live in a zoo , on a farm and mini-beasts. 

After the 3 weeks we will then be learning about the seaside.

Let’s start by firstly watching or if you have the book, reading the story ‘ Sharing a Shell ’ written by Julia Donaldson.

Sharing a Shell by Julia Donaldson illustrated by Lydia Monks.
When Crab finds a new shell, he doesn't want to share it with anyone – especially not a blobby purple anemone and a tickly bristleworm.

After you are finished the story have a go at the activities below- remember choose activities that suit you and try to do one a day. Send pictures to J


Talk about the book: 

Have you heard or read this story before? What happened in the story? What type of animal is a crab, anemone and a bristleworm?  Talk about the different characters throughout the story and how they are feeling. Why? Why did the crab not want to share his shell? Talk to your child about their favourite sea creature and discuss any sea creatures they may have seen before at the seaside, in a fish talk, at a zoo, or aquarium, on the television, film or in books. Describe the creature and what adventures the characters went on.


Encourage some imagining: 

Can you make the sound of the sea creatures in the book? Can you make the sounds of your favourite animal, sea creature or pets? Can you act out how the animals in the story move? Play an I spy animal that makes the sound of different animals using letters from the alphabet.



There are lots of rhyming words (words that sound the same) in the story.  Can you make a list of all the rhyming words? There are lots adjectives (describing words) describe movements in the story e.g. roaming. Can you think of any more?  Draw a picture of all the characters from the story and label them.



Explore letter sounds ‘sh’ for ‘share’ and ‘shell’.  How many words can you write using those sounds? Think about what the characters might be saying at different parts of the story. Write a speech bubble for a character from the story. What are they saying?

“No u can not shre mi shel”

(That is me using my phonics knowledge - remember it doesn’t matter if it isn’t spelt correctly)



Can you be a story teller and make up your own Sharing a Shell book? Or write a sorry letter to a character from the story asking them to share your shell.

e.g. Dear Bristleworm I  am sorry that I said you could not share my shell.  The shell was getting too small for all of us and I was unkind to you.  I am sorry. Thank you or doing all the cleaning and tidying up.  Please come back and share my shell.

Love Crab


In the book it talks about sizes. Can you find containers of different sizes and put them in order from smallest to largest like the table below.

   egg cup               mug              container                   food tub           rubbish bin









Can you put some objects in your containers and compare which one holds the most and the least. Count the number of objects in each container and write it next to each one. Write out your numbers up to 20 or can you go higher. Use your number mats at home to help you count and recognise all your numbers.  



Draw lots of different shapes e.g. circles, triangles, hexagons, squares and rectangles. Make them all different sizes and colours if you can and create your favourite animal or sea creature using your shapes.

Arts and Crafts: 

Make your own sea creature from painting, junk modelling, drawing etc.. You choose!

Easy Crab Toilet Paper Roll Craft for Kids

We're showing how to make another cute toilet paper roll craft for kids to make this one too perfect for summer! Ready? Let's make a paper roll crab craft.

How to make sea creatures


Make your animal snacks using food. Or you can make you own cereal cakes (recipe attached below). This will help you to weigh ingredients accurately and recognise numbers using a kitchen scale.

Sea Creature snacks

PE- Animal exercise for kids with animals

Can you move in different ways to represent different sea creatures. Or re-enact the story experimenting with different ways of moving.

YOGA for Children - Aquatic Animals Yoga Poses - Yoga Practice Tutorial

Educational video for children to learn how to relax in a different way. Would you like to be as agile as aquatic animals? Learn the turtle pose, the crab pose and other animals.


Make some food chains showing animals and plants mentioned in the story. Choose one of the animals in the story and find out about it. Can you write a about where it lives, what it eats, how it might protect itself?


Record yourself retelling the story. Use Mini Mash to draw under the sea related pictures.

Last term was Stay at Home Sports Day. I hope you all did an activity. Please send a photograph so I can put it on our class page.

Have a look at all the fun activities you can do and send me some photographs that I can put up on our class web page to Have fun and enjoy your stay at home sports day.

Reception Focus 


The focus is physical development which means lots of exercise, writing and using our hands. 

Can you try to complete all of these activities during this week take a photograph and email it  to so it can be put into our photo gallery. 


  • Move around at home, in your garden or when you go out for you daily exercise in lots of different ways  i.e hopping, skipping, jumping, (best to do these ones inside rolling, crawling and sliding), running only outside not inside. 
  • Walk up and down the stairs if you have any and count them. 
  • Write a thank you note to someone at home and draw a picture. 
  • Get an old magazine or newspaper and make a collage of all the pictures you cut out carefully. 
  • Skip or dance in time to your favourite song or any music 
  • Build something using recycled materials to store one of your toys or your pens and pencils. 
  • Teach someone at home how to wash their hands for 20 seconds. Will you count or sing a song. 
  • Try and eat a piece of fruit or a healthy snack every day if you can and write about your favourite one.


Have fun with these activities and sharing them with your family at home.  

Hello Acacia class, 


I hope you are having fun doing some of the actvities on the class pages. 


We now have a class email addressso yiu can send me pictures of your work and photographs of what you are doing at home so I can see what you are doing at home. The  email address is  Thank you to those children who have already sent me emails I really enjoyed looking at your work and see you all dressed up for Stay at Home Sports Day.   I can't wait to see what else Acacia class are getting up to. 


Stay safe, from Miss Griffiths smiley




School Home Learning Pack May 2020

Well done Kairon. It is great to see that you are writing words and tricky words while you are at home. Keep up the good work.

Acacia Class School Closuure Timetable

As we are at home now I have set you a home challenge to complete and bring back to school.  Can you look out of your window, go onto your balcony or into your garden if you have one and draw what things you can see.  Make sure you label everything you draw and use any colouring pencils and felt tips that you have. 




  • Continue to read for 10 mintues every day and complete your red WOW book once a week. 
  • Practise the reading the words in your green book.
  • Lexia we will be sending out passwords so you can use Lexia at home for 20 minutes every day. 



  • Write a few words or a sentence everyday about what you are doing at home and draw a picture. 
  • Write a receipe for a meal that you make at home. 
  • Make a list of different things that you have in your house.




Great websites to use at home: - parents can sign up for a months free subscription

Tricky words song

Phonic sounds pronunciation

Get Fit and count to 100 song

Party Freeze Dance Song

Days of the week song

Months of the Year song

Movement and Action Song

2D Shapes Song

3D Shapes Song

Doubles Song

Welcome to Acacia class with Miss Griffiths and Miss Loomes.