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Elfrida Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Sycamore - Year 2

Teachers: Mrs Cripps and Ms Middleweek

SCIENCE WEEK 2019: Erupting Volcanoes

We used water, food colouring, bicarbonate of soda, washing up liquid and vinegar to make our own volcanoes!

The acid in the vinegar and the alkali in the bicarbonate react together to form carbon dioxide. The washing up liquid is there to catch the carbon dioxide and show it to us in the bubbles.

Volcano 1

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These ones didn't work very well!

Volcano 2

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Volcano 3

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Volcano pictures

SCIENCE WEEK 2019: Slime making

Bow Arts Project 4.6.19

Bow Arts came into school to work with Year 2 today. We are going to be making a piece of art to go in the playground to remind everyone about how to be a good friend. Today was the first day where we learnt how outside art is planned and created. We designed a piece of outside art and made a mock up to see what it could look like if we really made it.

We hope you like them!

Bow Arts friendship words

We used letters to create words we associate with friendship. We will be making some art to be displayed on a wall in the playground and this activity helped us to see what it could look like.

Which word do you like best?

THE UNWRAPPING! We will use old red noses to make the piece of art work to go on the wall in the playground. We loved this bit!

British Film Institute Trip


Today Year 2 travelled to London's Southbank to the BFI.

They participated in a workshop where they were taught how to draw Mickey Mouse and how to predict what might happen next in some short films.

The day ended with a showing of The Gruffalo, which was really enjoyable!

Remember to ask your children about it and what they enjoyed the most...they could even teach you how to draw Mickey too! laugh

Spellings Summer 1

Back in time Day



Our topic this term has been Polar Lands. We have learnt all about Emperor penguins, Captain Scott and Tom Crean on the Terra Nova, Shakleton on the Endurance and their expeditions to the South Pole. We also learnt 'Ponko and the South Pole' story off by heart.


For Back in time Day we dressed up as explorers, sailors or polar animals.

We recreated Christmas on the Terra Nova. We took our chairs outside and made a galley, where the sailors ate their food. We had warm tomato soup and a chocolate bunny, just like Tom Crean.

We sang 'What shall we do with the drunken sailor' to keep our spirits up in the cold wind!

We played North, South, East, West and Starboard, Port, Helm, Rear. George, Salmah, Lidya, Shiya, Jake, Kerron, Ava, Haroon, Theo and Joshua won the game!

We all felt excited, even though we were as cold as the Antarctic ocean!

Christmas on the Terra Nova

Maritime Museum 14.3.19

Spring 2 spellings

Performance poetry

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We have performed 'Snow' by Walter De La Mare. We had to make sure we remembered our lines, had loud voices and were confident. We also had to make up actions and use expression when we said our line.
The poem is all about snow and how it makes the world look.
We hope you enjoy our performance.

Spring 1 Spellings

Spring Term curriculum letter

Our African Documentary

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We have been learning all about African animals. We have researched what they look like, what they eat and whether they are nocturnal or not.
We wrote about the animals in our part of the documentary. We had to be ready to say our line when the right picture came on the screen. This was a bit tricky!
We hope you enjoy our documentary and learn a lot about African animals.
19.11.18 Film Festival Trip

We went to see Sherlock Gnomes at Beckenham Odeon. It was really funny and we all enjoyed it!

Curriculum leaflet Autumn 2

Spellings Autumn 2

10 Things I Can Do To Help Save The World

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We have been learning about how we can help the world by not wasting things and keeping it clean and safe. We performed the book in partners and put it all together to tell everyone about how they can help save the world too.
See if there is anything you can do!

Autumn 1 curriculum letter

Welcome back!

We hope everyone had a good summer. We are looking forward to spending a fun filled year with you all!

Our first topic is all about conservation and how we can help the world.

See if you can join us in helping to save the world!


PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays

Library books are changed on Tuesdays

Homework is due in on Wednesdays

Wow Books are due in on Thursdays


Please make sure you have your reading book and wow book in school every day.


Let's have a great year!

Miss Middleweek and Mrs Cripps



Spelling lists for Autumn 1