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Elfrida Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.


This week's Wellbeing activities

As you know, your mental and physical wellbeing are paramount (more important than anything else).  Below, you will find 5 different mindfulness activities, one for each week day.  Make sure you find somewhere quiet to do one of these exercises each day.  You can complete them in any order you choose and remember to come back to them at other times when you need to.  It's great practice to do some mindfulness every day (weekends included).  Hopefully, if you do this regularly, you will feel a big difference and will feel happier and calmer and more in control.

Mini the Puppy | Cosmic Kids Zen Den - Mindfulness for kids

Mini the Puppy | Cosmic Kids Zen Den 🌈 Watch our videos ad-free on the Cosmic Kids app:⭐ Subscribe to the Cosmic Kids YouTube cha...

The Listening Game | Cosmic Kids Zen Den - Mindfulness for kids

⭐ Sign up for FREE access to our Yoga Quest challenge where you print out fun maps & check-off yoga adventures:⭐ You'll...

Thought Bubbles | Cosmic Kids Zen Den - Mindfulness for kids

Thought Bubbles | Cosmic Kids Zen Den - Mindfulness for kids Jaime explains how thoughts work. They're a bit like bubbles - they come and go! POP!Have fun un...

Movies in My Mind | A Cosmic Kids Zen Den Meditation

Movies in My Mind | Cosmic Kids Zen Den - Mindfulness for kidsCosmic Kids Zen Den is a series to help kids with mindfulness - from the people behind Cosmic K...

Balloon (Peace Out: Guided Meditation for Kids) | Cosmic Kids

In this Cosmic Kids guided relaxation, we find a balloon and it carries us to our favourite place, a place where we feel strong and happy.🌈 Watch our videos...