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Elfrida Primary School - King Alfred Federation home page Elfrida Primary School - King Alfred Federation home page

Elfrida Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Willow - Year 1

Teacher: Miss Griffiths

Support Staff: Miss Beard

Home Learning Please ensure that your child learns their spellings EVERY WEEK for the spelling quiz on Friday. This will help them tremendously in their reading and writing and is a great self-esteem booster! We share spelling results each week. Homework is due in on a Wednesday. 

Willow Class are coming closer to winning the early bird and attendance award, but we are not there yet. Please help us to earn extra playtime by bringing your child to school everyday on time.

This term our topic is Kings and Queens. To celebrate Queen Elizabeth II's 90th Birthday we made a Victoria sponge cake. We also dressed up in red, white and blue or as a king or queen. Have a look at our photographs.


This week is Cultural Heritage Week. We are learning about the Caribbean. On Monday we had a visitor from Barbados who told us all about what it was like going to school in the Caribbean in the 1940's and 1950's. We also tasted some food and drink from the Caribbean. On Tuesday we made pineapple upside down  cupcakes. They were delicious. On Wednesday we made carnival masks for our parade on Friday.

Have a look at us making pineapple upside down cake.

Every week there is new numeracy homework set using the Abacus website. Your child must log in using the following details:


Website address is:

Username is your child’s first name:  all lower case

Password is: school

School code is: elfr

Please encourage your child to have a go and see how much fun they can have. We will be regularly adding on new activities for them to do.