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Elfrida Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Palm - Year 4

Acting out our adapted versions of the story Gregory Cool 06/07/17

World Travel Day 15/06/17

Our Mayan writing 14/06/17

Visit from an Olympic Hero 25/05/17

Sports Day!!! 24/05/17

Dojo Winners 15/05/17

Chocolate Tears - Our Literacy Text For This Half Term

Acting out the story of Chocolate Tears Part Two

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Acting out the story of Chocolate Tears Part one

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Acting out the story of Chocolate tears 19/4/17

Dojos winner 31/3/17

Voting for Table captains

World Book Week Reading Selfies!!!!

Dojos winners 25/02/17

Dojo winners!!! 10/2/17

science: Dissolving solids

Dojo winners!!!!! 3/2/17

Curriculum Leaflet Spring 2017

Our dojo winners 08/01/17

Creating the digestive system

Acting out Aprohodite and the Trojan war

Year 4 E-Safety discussion

Our dojo winners 03/01/17

25/11/16 Our Dojo winners this week!!

23/11/16 Science making sounds digitally

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21/11/16 Numeracy: Solving subtraction problems

16/11/16 Romulus and Remus fight

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16/11/16 Romulus and Remus searching for the perfect place to build their city

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16/11/16 The shepherds approach Romulus and Remus

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16/11/16 The Shewolf protects Romulus and Remus from wild animals

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16/11/16 Our assembly: the story of Romulus and Remus

15/11/16 rehearsing for our class assembly

14/11/16 Story mapping the tale of Romulus and Remus

Teacher: Mr Walker

Support Staff: Miss Elliott and Ms Westman

09/11/16 We peformed our story maps about the story of Romulus and Remus

Numeracy- capacity: 08/11/16

Numeracy: measuring weight: 07/11/16

Roman Gods short stories 02/11/16

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As part of our daily challenge the students were asked to create their own Roman God and then write a short story about their God.

Roman Gods short stories 02/11/16

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As part of our daily challenge the students were asked to create their own Roman God and then write a short story about their God.

Our displays for this half term 21/10/16

Trip to the local shops in search of Fairtrade products 21/10/16

Year Four Fairtrade quiz 20/10/16

Our trip to the school Fairtrade shop 19/10/16

17/10/16 Year 2 and 4 played numeracy games together

11/10/16 Our trip to the British Museum

9/10/16 Our Dojo winners this week!

7/10/16 Well done to our class dojo winners this week

02/10/16 Interviewing Miss Elliott to create her biography

24/9/16 Great drama as Protons, Neutrons and Electrons

21/9/16 Great work dressing the Roman Soldiers today!

16/9/16 We have been performing our Julius Caesar story maps

15/9/16 We have been performing our biography of Julius Caesar

12/9/16 In Science we have been simulating neutrons, protons and electrons

Our Parent Leaflet