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Elfrida Primary School - King Alfred Federation home page Elfrida Primary School - King Alfred Federation home page

Elfrida Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Redwood - Year 3

Teacher: Mr McNulty

Support Staff: Miss Burton

Miss Darnell's challenge in Classcraft which led to a Richie Valens cameo from some of Redwood's students.

The Sounds of the Rainforest

Is that the Rainforest you can hear? No, it's Redwood class as they attempt to recreate the rainforest using only their voices... it's very effective!

Our Rainforest Appeal Video

Still image for this video
The children did very well in their assembly today, unfortunately due to technical issues we couldn't get our appeal video playing! So here it is as promised.

Well done Redwood!

Friday - Sports Science Week. Our encounter with some Olympic Athletes and...more running!

Wednesday - Sports Science Week. Some silly experiments and more running!

Monday - Sports Science Week. Experimenting with Osmosis and running 1 mile!

Recorder Recital this Tuesday at 2:50 pm. Look forward to seeing you there!

Welcome Back!


Welcome back to spring term 2.  It was great to see you at Academic Review Day to discuss your child's progress.  However please remember I am available throughout the year and if you would like to discuss anything further please feel free to catch me after school, I am readily at your disposal.


This term we will be focusing on plays and performance.  I say this because in Literacy we are learning about stage craft and playwrights and we have the Easter performance looming later in the term! 


I will be updating our page regularly with photos from class, upcoming events and anything of interest that may help your child's education.  


All the best,

Mr. McNulty

A look into WW1. Some of the children in Redwood took part in a community project which involved recreating scenes from WW1 and learning about Bellingham in the 1910's. They gave an amazing performance in assembly. Well done all!

An Egg Too Far. Our Elf Day celebrations culminated in our Santa Eggs being launched over the roof of the school. Unfortunately the Santa Eggs were not strapped in enough for any of the 40 Eggs to survive the landing. There is always next year!

Our trip to the Horseman Museum saw the children take part in a variety of experiments and to take a closer look at real fossils

A special parcel arrived today for Mr. McNulty and Miss Oke which contained a mysterious note from "M", a blue cloak and... the sword Excalibur!

Just a quick reminder that our assembly is coming up next week on Thursday 24th November at 3.00 in the Blue Hall.  We look forward to seeing you!

The Good Dinosaur trip is next week. As it is PG please make sure that your child has returned their form signed, please click the attachment to download the letter. 10/11/16

Fairtrade Maths week is a great success and our children enjoyed a fun afternoon of playing the Year 5's at a variety of Math Challenge games (which we won!) 19/10/16

Classcraft is in full swing and the children's characters are taking great shape. They can gain further by reading up on the special announcements online.

Hindu Temple Trip to the London Sivan Kovil (the children learnt a lot and did us proud)

The votes are in...


After holding a discussion in class, the children have decided they would like Spellings to return to a Friday instead of a Thursday.  Which leaves Thursday open to us to learn more Grammar and Punctuation after swimming! 

We are learning about how Bellingham used to be... do you have any photos or stories to tell about what our town or school used to be like?

Keeping ourselves busy - Remember we have recorders on a Monday, PE and Homework Due in on Wednesday, Swimming and Spellings on a Thursday - no rest for us!

Remember PE Kit tomorrow!

Curriculum Letter Autumn Term

Welcome back!


Welcome to a new year at Elfrida.  The children have done very well at settling back into routine and made a great first week impression on the whole school.  I am very excited to be working with your children this year and we have already started on our number bonds in maths and retelling traditional stories in literacy.


Just to let you know P.E. will be on a Wednesday afternoon, so please be sure to send your child in with P.E. Kit.


I look forward to meeting you throughout the term and if you have any questions feel free to come find me before or after school.  Till then have a lovely weekend.


Mr. McNulty