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Elfrida Primary School - King Alfred Federation home page Elfrida Primary School - King Alfred Federation home page

Elfrida Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Useful Websites

English, maths and topic

Lexia- To help with reading and writing

Bitesize- Great activities to complete

Topmarks- Great activities to complete


Below are great resources to help you with your letters and sounds

At Elfrida School we follow 'Essential Letters and Sounds' DFE approved scheme to teach phonics. Phonics is the process that ensures children have the skills to break words into a sound system, building letter and word recognition. Children learn to segment words to help support their spelling ability and to blend sounds together to read words. Once phonics are learnt and children can read fluently, they can then develop other reading skills such as comprehension and acquiring knowledge in order to access the whole curriculum.

Ms Ross has created amazing phonics videos! Please watch the videos below:


Oxford Owl- There are lots of books for you to read!

Username: cedarowl

Password: book

Please choose the coloured book that your child brings home.